Policies and Procedures



Policies & Procedures of the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market Version 1


1. Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market Association

The Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market Association is a not-for-profit association.

Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market is made up of permanent member vendors as well

as occasional non-member vendors. All permanent member vendors of the Annapolis Royal

Farmers & Traders Market are members of the association. An elected board of directors

made up of member vendors that serves as the organizational, managerial and supervisory body of the

Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market.

2. Dates, Times and Location

The Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market Associationis a year round market operating with both an Outdoor and an Indoor Venue.

a) An Outdoor Market operating every Saturday, from the Second Weekend in May until the Thanksgiving long weekend holiday in October. The Market hours are 9:00am to 1:00pm. During the months of July and August, an additional Market day is held on Wednesdays withhours 9:00am to 1:00pm. The location of the OutdoorMarket is the Town Market Square, at the corner of St. George Street and Drury Lane, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia.
b) An Indoor Market operating every Saturday from Mid-October until Mid-May The Market hours are 9:00am to 12:00pm..  The location of the Indoor Market is currently at the Annapolis Royal Canadian Legion building located at 66 Victoria Street, Annapolis Royal N.S.
c) The Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market also holds a Christmas-oriented Market day that is held in conjunction with other Christmas markets within the Annapolis Royal community. The date of this market is typically the Saturday in the first weekend of December. Vendor participation is first-come/first-serve with preference given to member vendors who haveparticipated previously in the Christmas Market. The venue for the Christmas Market is variable dependent upon location availability.

3. Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market Association Board of Directors

The Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market Board of Directors is comprised of active

member vendors elected by the general body of market member vendors who have paid all

dues and fees as defined within the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market By-Laws. The

election for Board of Director members is held annually during the Annual General Meeting

(AGM) as defined by the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market By-Laws. The Board is

responsible for the overall management of the Market and its promotion at the local and

provincial levels. The Board of Directors may create and maintain various committees intended

to serve the overall Market. These committees would include those responsible for policy and

planning, finance and budget, and membership management, or others as required. Should any or all of these committees not be formed, then their duties and responsibilities would fall directly to the decision making of the Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market Board of Directors.

Each member of the Board is expected to:

1) Be available for regular meetings to discuss and manage market matters.

2) Be responsible for representing all vendors of the Market, including occasional vendors, with the overall goal of each decision being to the overall best interest of the Market.

3) Be responsible to behave in a professional manner in all Market matters, including

respectful behavior toward vendors, staff and the public, and to respond to all vendors in a timely and respectful manner.

4) All members of the Board, including the Chairperson, in addition to their regular Board

duties, are encouraged to serve on one of the Market committees or other market supporting activities, including those that may be considered ad-hoc.

5) Be available to vendors, other Board members and the Market Manager via e-mail, text, and/or phone.

4. Market Manager

The Market Manager is hired by the Board of Directors and is responsible for managing the

Market on Market Day, scheduling vendors, collecting vendor fees, fostering vendor

relationships, hiring/firing of subordinate market staff, coordinating public relations, assisting

with financial and budget matters, monitoring the quality and appropriateness of products sold

with the assistance of the other members of the Vendor Selection Committee, administering

rules and procedures, fundraising and event coordination, representing the market with outside

organizations, working with the board of directors of the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders

Market Association on a regular basis and other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

The Market Manager works year round on a part-time basis. The Market Manager can be a

member of the Association as well as a member vendor but not a member of the Board.

Commonly recognized appropriate professional behaviour is expected in the performance of all

defined duties. Should cases of conflict of interest arise during the course of the Market

Manager’s performing his/her duties, it is required that the Manager remove themselves from

any decisions arising from these cases.

The Market Manager, and/or his/her subordinates, are responsible for:

1) Setup of the Market environment (tables and signage) by 7:30am on Saturday Market days and 9:00am on Wednesday Market days, and 7:30 on Saturday Winter Market days. .

2) Management of the distribution and use of Market-owned table canopies.

3) Maintenance of Market grounds during Market hours.

4) Booking of entertainment.

5) Take-down of the Market environment at the close of operations.

6) Creation and maintenance of the Market website, social media presence, and other

pertinent technology utilizing outside resources as required.

7) Responsible for working with the Town of Annapolis Royal to maintain and enhance the Market Square infrastructure, including buildings, sidewalks, lighting, public network, etc.

8) Oversee financial matters, collection of fees; manage market bucks, managing the point of sale “Square”, and other duties as required.

5. Executive Committee

Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary,

and the Treasurer. The role of the committee is to set meeting dates and times; set meeting

agendas; provide vision, direction and leadership; send and receive correspondence on behalf

of the ARFTM and to be the main point of contact for the Market (after the Market Manager).

6. Budget Committee

The Budget Committee shall consist of a minimum of the market Manager, the treasurer and

one member of the Executive Committee (preferably the Chairperson). Other members with

experience in accounting may also serve on this committee. The role of the committee is to be

responsible for preparing the annual budgets of the ARFTM, overseeing implementation of

budget, and preparing a yearend financial report for the Members.

7. Policies and Procedures Committee

The Policies and Procedures Committee is a committee of member vendors, representing the

diversity of the vendor communities, and the Market Manager that is tasked with creating,

maintaining and managing the policies and procedures of the Annapolis Royal Farmers &

Traders Market as approved by the Board of Directors.

8. Vendor Selection Committee

The Vendor Selection Committee is a sub-committee of the Policies and Procedures

Committee, including the Market Manager, that is tasked with reviewing applications for new

vendors, including the appropriateness of the new vendors’ product lines as well as managing

the number of vendors selling similar products and the potential levels of competition amongst

approved vendors. Each member of the Vendor Selection Committee, with all representing the

diversity of the Market, is expected to perform their duties in a fair, unbiased way. Should the

review of any vendor constitute a conflict of interest, it is expected that the committee member

in question recuse themselves from the review of that particular potential vendor in question.

9. Member Vendor

A member vendor is a permanent active vendor, which can be an individual, organization or coop of the Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market Association. The Board, based on

criteria in the association bylaws and the review of the Vendor Selection Committee, must approve

all new members. Members in good standing are eligible for membership in the following year.

Member vendors are expected to commit to all Saturday markets days during the Outdoor Season, or Indoor Season or both, submit an annual application and pay annual dues to the Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market Association. Note that participation in the Wednesday market days of Julyand August are optional. In exchange for this commitment, member vendors are guaranteed a weekly vendor space. Member vendors have voting privileges, as long as their annual dues are paid in full, at association meetings, one vote per membership. Member vendors may serve on the Board of Directors. A member vendor in good standing, with any and all applicable fees paid-in-full may, with the written approval of the Market Manager, become inactive for up to one year without the need to re-apply for membership or losing their designated Market space. Membership is non-transferable.

10. Occasional Vendor

Occasional vendors participate in the Market on a week-to-week basis as space permits at the

approval of the Vendor Selection Committee and Market Manager. Selling at the market as a non-member occasional vendor does not imply future membership or imply any privilege for future selling. The Market Manager maintains a list of approved occasional vendors. All newly

accepted vendors will spend their first year with occasional vendor status. Full membership will be reviewed, after the first completed year, by the Vendor Selection Committee and the Market Manager.

11. Vendor Application

The Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market Association is committed to creating and

maintaining a diverse marketplace in terms of membership and product lines. This

commitment extends to the maintaining of high-quality, locally produced products representing

the diverse communities of the Annapolis Valley as well as the whole of Nova Scotia.

All vendors, Member and Occasional, applying for a Market space must:

1) Submit a completed application form annually indicating the products they wish to bring to market. Returning member vendors should indicate any changes to their product selection.

2) Pay Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market annual membership fees (see Fee

Schedule below) by the date of the AGM if they wish to be eligible to vote or by the first

market in May at the latest, if they wish to be a member vendor.

3) Be prepared to pay weekly table fees (See Fee Schedule below) by 9:00am on Market

days, or if paying seasonal table fees by the first Market day in June. Failure to pay these fees in a timely manner may result in the suspension of the vendor from the Market until all past due fees are paid in full.

4) Meet all the criteria for membership and accept the Policies and Procedures outlined herein and on the Application Form.

5) Acknowledge that membership is non-transferable. Any change in ownership of a business results in termination of the membership and necessitates the filing of a new membershipapplication.

6) All new vendors reviewed and approved by the Vendor Selection Committee and Market Manager will start as occasional vendors for their first year of participation. Membership

status will be evaluated the following year and will depend on space availability.

7) Returning vendors must apply by the date of the AGM to maintain the market spot they had the year before.

8) Occasional vendors should complete an application form as early in the season as possible so as to be reviewed by the Vendor Selection Committee and Market Manager in a timely manner.

9) Those vendors selling food items MUST read, acknowledge and sign the Food Vending

Checklist,  as well as providing a copy of their Public Market Permit to the Market Manager.

10) Not-for-profit groups must also apply as vendors and must comply with all applicable rules and guidelines as any other vendor, including vendor review.

12. Basic Vendor Selection Criteria

The Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market Association is not bound to apply a

particular set of selection criteria in every instance and reserves the discretion to accept or

refuse any application at any time.

1) Each new vendor at the Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market must be a:

a) Primary Producer – a producer that grows or harvests raw materials for direct sale or

manufacture into secondary products. A minimum of 75% of the products or product

ingredients must be grown or gathered by the producer.

b) Secondary Producer – a producer that purchases raw materials for local manufacture

into secondary products. Secondary production does not include re-packing or relabeling

of product.

c) Artisan/crafter – would be a primary producer if they grow or harvest 75% of their own

production materials or as a secondary producer if they grow or harvest less than 75%

of their production materials.

d) Trader – a vendor who is not consider a primary or secondary producer, but is one that is selling products or services otherwise approved by the Vendor Selection Committee.

e) Not-For-Profit – considered vendors for the purposes of these Policies and Procedures. Although not required to pay for their market space they are expected to adhere to all Market rules and guidelines.

2) All products sold by non-food vendors (artisans, crafters, etc. but not traders) must be of

their own production.

3) A minimum of 75% of products sold by food producers must be of the vendor’s own

production and the remaining 25% must also abide by the market’s product guidelines.

4) To be selected, a vendor’s product lines must fit within an appropriate producer category

(i.e. Primary, secondary, etc.).

5) The Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market reserves the right to divert from this

selection criteria if the vendor’s application and subsequent inclusion indicates that by

doing so is in the best interests of the Market as a whole.

13. General Selection Considerations

In addition to the basic criteria, vendor selection may also be reflected by other general


1) Product quality and presentation.

a) Consistently high product quality: fresh, flavorful, and ripe.

b) Clean and attractive displays.

2) Courteous, and strong customer service, as well asknowledgeable staff.

3) Foster a connection between the producer and the consumer.

4) History of compliance with Market rules and federal, provincial, and local regulations.

5) Positive vendor conduct/attitude toward customers, fellow vendors, Market staff, and


6) Timely submission of application, licenses, and other Market correspondence.

7) Billing and payment history.

8) Product balancing.

a) Products that are unique or unusual.

b) Products not already represented in the Market. Duplicate products may be denied entry.

9) Food Safety.

a) Adheres to the highest standards in safe food production and handling.

b) Complies with the standards set forth the in the NS Environmental Health and Food Safety Division Food Safety Guidelines for Public Markets.


a) Number of years vendor has sold at the Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market.

b) Attendance record.

11) Time of application.

12) Space availability.

13) Agriculture.

a) Priority is given to those regional farmers and producers who bring product to market that is 100% grown and harvested on farmland that they own and/or operate.

b) Preference will be given to the most local producer when a space becomes available at the Market, without compromising quality or diversity.

c) Farmers have priority over processed and on premise prepared foods.

d) Farmers who use environmentally responsible growing, breeding, raising, and

harvesting methods will also have priority.

14)Prepared Foods

a) Products available locally should be sourced locally and directly from their producers where possible. We encourage prepared food vendors to source from our market and locally wherever possible.

b) Priority will be given to products processed by the vendor over products by a second party or co-packer.

15)Each vendor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and licenses for their


14. Product Guidelines

Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market focuses on locally produced agricultural

products and crafts. Other products or services that may fit in the Market environment are

assessed on an individual basis. Goods that are not made by hand locally, prepared locally or grown locally may not be sold unless approved by the Vendor Selection Committee and the

Market Manager, in keeping with an overall benefit for the Market. Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Marketsupports farm-fresh, locally grown products and is not an outlet for wholesale produce. Produce should be insect free, fresh and have no residue that cannot be removed by normalwashing. Only the highest quality produce will be allowed for sale at the Market. The Vendor Selection Committee and/or Market Manager have the right to request any vendor to remove any merchandise deemed unacceptable to the Market.

1) Meat – Claim of Ownership

a) Beef – minimum of 12 months on the individual’s farm, preferably the animal should be born on the individual’s farm. This ensures that the vendor knows what the animal’s health history is and is imperative for selling the product as from the vendor’s farm.

b) Grass-fed Beef – the animal needs to be born of the individual’s farm and reside there until butchering.

c) Lamb – minimum three months on the individual’s farm, preferably the animal should be born on the individual’s farm. This is imperative if the lamb is to be sold as from the vendor’s farm.

d) Grass-fed Lamb – the animal needs to be born on the individual’s farm and reside there until butchering.

e) Pork – minimum four months on the individual’s farm, preferably the animal should be born on the individual’s farm. This is imperative if the pork is to be sold as from the vendor’s farm

2) Other Production

a) Up to 25% of a food producers products may be of someone else’s production, under these conditions:

i. It must be an agricultural or food product grown or produced locally.

ii. It must be specifically approved by the Vendor Selection Committee and the Market Manager to ensure that the product fills a gap in the offerings being made at the Market and that its sale is to the overall benefit of the market.

3) Product Labeling

a) Vendors will be required to display signage each market day indicating the source/origin of each product not of their own production.

b) All labeling must comply with the standards set out in the NS Environmental Health & Food Safety Division’s Food Safety Guidelines for Public Markets.

4) Landscape Plants & Live Flowers

a) Plants must be propagated by the vendor from seed, cuttings, bulbs, plugs, or plant divisions.

b) The vendor must have grown all products for sale.

5) Food Items and Prepared Foods

a) Prepared items must be produced by the vendor from basic ingredients.

b) Ingredients should be sourced locally and from the market wherever possible.

c) The Market may, at its discretion, limit the number and product mix of food vendors.

6) Arts and Crafts – The market welcomes local artists, artisans, and crafters whose products reflect unique methods and/or local heritage                                  

7) Product Packaging – Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market is committed to being a green, environmentally sustainable market and as such discourages the use of any Styrofoam or other plastics packaging or containers, unless absolutely necessary to meet food safety requirements. All product packaging and/or containers must be compostable and/or recyclable.

8) Any activity that constitutes a criminal offence is prohibited. Nothing shall be permitted to be done or displayed which is contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada, or any provincial or municipal act, by-law or ordnance.

9) All products will comply with copyright or intellectual property legislation. All vendors shall not copy or otherwise infringe on the original work of another who is an artist, author, crafter, etc. Unless specific written consent is given by the creator or owner of such work.

10)Services may not be promoted or sold without displaying proof of accreditation from an accrediting body, where applicable.

15. Vendor Guidelines and Regulations

The following regulations and guidelines are established to create clear expectations, address potential issues or concerns, and make the Market a safe and enjoyable environment for

vendors, staff, volunteers, and patrons. The Market Manager, in consultation with the Board of

Directors, may make modifications and additions as required. The Market Manager and the

Board of Directors shall deal with any items not specifically covered by these rules, at their


1) Vendors must agree to bring an adequate supply of their primary product(s).

2) Vendors must report any changes or additions to their product selection to the Market

  Manager before bringing to Market for approval.

3)Vendors must adhere to the highest standards of quality, service and business.

4)Subletting of vendor spaces is not permitted.

5) Vendors agree to honour all Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market promotions.

6) Pricing is at the discretion of the vendor; however, underselling or predatory pricing is

prohibited. The market is competitive and several vendors may have similar products.

7) Not-for-profit groups are prohibited from selling any products that compete with those being sold by member or occasional vendors.

8) Vendors should price their products within a range that is reasonable for the products


9) Smoking is not permitted within the Market space per the Nova Scotia Smoke-Free Places Act.

10) All vendors must comply with the requirements set by Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and the Nova Scotia Environment’s

Environmental Health and Food Safety Division (labelling produce by type, quantity and

price, cooling, sanitation, etc.) Note: Compliance to all regulations concerning the use of

“organic” in signage and product promotion is required.

11) Vendors are responsible to obtain all necessary licenses, permits, inspections and

certificates for the sale of their product(s).

12) Compliance with both Provincial and Federal Sales Tax Regulations is the responsibility of the individual vendor.

13)Absolutely, no pets will be allowed within the vendor’s selling area (i.e. behind the vendor’s table orstand) in keeping with health and safety requirements. The only exceptions are service


14) Vendors must monitor and supervise their children at all times during the Market day.

Young children should not be-allowed to wander the grounds and adjacent properties

without a parent or guardian with them. The Market can take no responsibility for their

safety or whereabouts, or for any damages they may incur or cause.

15) Any customer questions about a fellow vendor should be directed to that vendor or the

Market Manager.

16)All vendors, and their staff, are expected to conduct themselves with common decorum and in a respectful, safe, courteous and harmonious manner with customers, other vendors, and Market staff.

17) Any and all vendor concerns should be brought to the attention of the Market Manager

and/or a Board member.

18) Vendors are responsible for full disclosure with the Market Manager and Board of Directors regarding any legal or federal, provincial, and municipal regulation issues and/or investigations connected with their business and/or products for sale. Failure to do so may result in termination of the vendor’s participation at Market.

19) A vendor who fails to abide by Market regulations or consistently offers products of inferior quality may be excluded from the Market at the discretion of the Market Manager and/or The Board of Directors.

20) All vendors are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and be willing to participate in the governance of the Market.

16. Space Assignment

1)Maximum space allocation is approximately 9 square meters (100 square feet). Not for profit groups are limited to a space no bigger than that allowing for the use of a 4ft x 4ft (1.5  square meters) table which the group must provide.-                      

2) Vendors are not to exceed the boundaries of their allocated space. This includes products, infrastructure, signage and themselves.

3) Spaces are assigned with consideration to the length of time at the Market, continuity,

product presentation, and the best interests of the Market as a whole.

4) Member vendors are given primary consideration in assigning vendor spaces.

5) Vendors may request assignment to a particular space at the time of application.

6) Members may book more than one space dependent on availability and product


7) Vendors may not sublet vendor space to others.

8) Vendors should note that the Market provides free space, if so requested and as available, to organizations providing a public service (i.e. not-for-profits).

9) Prepaid fees are not transferable to other Market dates or vendors.

10) Reservation of spaces establishes neither right to nor guarantee of space rental in

subsequent years. Subject to P&P section 9. A member vendor in good standing with any and all applicable fees paid-in-full may, with the written approval of the Market Manager, become inactive for up to one year without the need to re-apply for membership or losing their designated Market space.

11) If a vendor sells his/her business, she/he may not transfer his/her Market space to the new owner. The new owner must submit a new application for approval and acceptance is not guaranteed.

12) Change in space assignment for vendors may occur at the Board of Directors discretion.

Spaces for member vendors are typically kept in the same location all season, however

changes may be required mid-season to balance product distribution, improve traffic flow, or to meet individual vendor needs. The Market Manager and the Board of Directors maintain the discretion to change vendor spaces as required. Advance notice will be given.

17. Attendance Regulations

The Saturday market locations are open by 7:00 am. Vendors should be on-site by 8:30am.

The Wednesday market locations are open by 9:00am and vendors should be on-site by


a) Cancellations

i. If a cancellation is necessary, member vendors must provide the Market Manager with notice no later than by Thursday Noon prior to the Saturday Market and byTuesday Noon prior to the Wednesday Market. Failure to do so, or continued absences, may result in the vendors’ participation at market being terminated.

ii. Occasional vendors assigned a space for a given market day have until no later than by Thursday Noon prior to the Saturday Market and by Tuesday Noon prior tothe Wednesday Market to inform the Market Manager if they will be unable to attend. Failure to do so, or continued absences, may result in the occasional vendorbeing dropped from the occasional vendor list for the remainder of the market season or full termination.

iii. Extraordinary circumstances may be taken into account for both member and

occasional vendors.

b) Late Arrival

i. All vendors are required to be on-site by 8:30am on Saturdays and 9:30am Wednesdays to ensure set up is complete for when the market opens at 9:00amSaturdays, and 10:00am Wednesdays. Any vendor not able to arrive by 8:30am Saturdays or 9:30am Wednesdays on a given market day must text or e-mail the Market Manager and indicate what time they will bearriving and the reason. This will allow the Market Manager to place a sign at the vendor’s space indicating the expected time of arrival and answer any questionscustomers may have.

ii. Failure to communicate with the Market Manager and continued lateness may

result in member and occasional vendors’ participation at market being terminated.

c) No shows – In order to ensure the integrity and professionalism of our market, not

showing for an expected market day without prior notice by any vendor cannot be

tolerated. Extraordinary circumstances may be taken into account.

d) Weather The Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market strives to remain open

regardless of weather. Unless conditions may impact the health, wellbeing and safety of vendors and customers. Also, it is recognized that some vendors’ product lines and

their required displays may be adversely effected by adverse weather conditions. In

these situations, vendors are encouraged to contact the Market Manager and inform

her/him of their intentions. The vendors must also recognize that space assignments

may be void for that particular Market day as a result.

18. Display Regulations

1) To maintain positive selling environment, vendors should have a neat well maintained


2) Each vendor should display their name or the name of their farm or business. Vendors are encouraged to personalize their vendor spaces with stories and pictures, and to share their farming/artisan background with customers.

3) Packaging should be neat and clean. Packaging for prepared food items should be new.

4) Vendors are required to display prices for their products by way of a general price list or

individually priced items.

5) Food producers are required to display signage each market day indicating the

source/origin of each product not of their own production of which they are allowed up to

25% of their total stock.

6) Pre-packaged items should be clearly marked by weight and/or volume and/or priced


7) Packaging and product labeling needs to comply with the standards set out in the NS

Environmental Health and Food Safety Division’s Food Safety Guidelines for Public


8) Vendors will not misrepresent their products or product processes (where and how they

were grown, harvested, prepared or created).

9) Any product being represented as “organic” must be “certified organic” or “in transition”. The certification sign from the applicable agency must be prominently displayed.

10) For uncertified claims, written and verbal declarations regarding pesticide or chemical use which cannot be certified such as unsprayed, no spray, and pesticide-free may need a written statement, submitted with the vendor application, attesting how these procedures are followed. Vendors are required to produce the written statement about production methods to any consumer who requests it and should have copies of the statement available at her/his vendor space.

11) Vendors are responsible for bringing all their own display materials.

12) Vendors must take up only the space allocated to them, and not allow tables, displays,

tents, etc. to block aisles, doorways, or interfere with other vendors’ spaces.

13) Competition and cooperation between vendors is strongly encouraged.

14) All vendor spaces must be neat, tidy and safe for customers.

15) Only CSA and fire safety-approved appliances may be used at the Market.

16) All extension cords are to be CSA-approved and include a breaker. Wire gauge used

should be appropriate for the appliance(s) being used.

17) Those vendors requiring electrical hookups at their space are required to have a CSA approved fire extinguisher as required by the Nova Scotia Office of the Fire Marshall.

18) Vendors agree to be clean, tidy and appropriately attired.

19) Vendors selling meat, fish or dairy products are required to provide a means of

refrigeration/cooling for their products (i.e. ice, cooler, etc) per the Food Safety Guidelines for Public Markets as issued by the Nova Scotia Environment’s Environmental Health and Food Safety Division.

20) Hygiene and safety in the preparation of foods, together with any required business

registrations, food permits and product liability insurance are the responsibility of the


21) All food vendors will comply with the Food Safety Guidelines for Public Markets as issued by the Nova Scotia Environment’s Environmental Health and Food Safety Division.

22) Vendors who are preparing food where there is grease-laden vapors are encouraged to consider their neighboring vendors whose products may be damaged by air-borne grease.

23) Vendors are responsible for cleaning their vendor space areas at the end of the Market day and taking any substantial volume of garbage home or to the outside garbage areas.

General garbage containers are intended for the use of customers.

24) A vendor who fails to abide by Market regulations or consistently offers products of inferior quality may be excluded from the Market at the discretion of the Market Manager and/or Board of Directors

19.Set-up and Take-down

1) Vendors must arrive on site by 8:30am at Saturday’s markets, and by 9:30am at Wednesday’s markets. If you have not arrived by 8:30am (9:30am), your vendor space may be assigned to another vendor for that week.

2) When unloading, please ensure you do not block or impede other vendors from accessing the property; after un-loading, please move vehicles to the parking spaces that do not inconvenience the Market’s customers.

3) Vendors are responsible for clearing and cleaning to the extent necessary of their vendor space before leaving the market. Vendors are required to remove all of their signage, equipment, waste, etc unless prior arrangement has been made with the Market Manager.

4) Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market will not be held responsible for any damage

that may occur to vendor property left onsite.

5) Vendors should make every attempt to vacate the market as soon as is reasonable.

6) Those who cannot vacate the market within one hour of the market closing should inform

the Market Manager.

20. Vendor Fees

Vendor fees for both full member and occasional vendors are outlined in the Annapolis Royal

Farmers & Traders Market Association Policy and Procedures.

21.Vendor Courtesy and Expected Conduct

The Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market Association is committed to creating and

maintaining a diverse marketplace where many different people are gathered to shop and sell.

Vendors and their representatives are expected to observe common decorum and conduct

themselves in a respectful, safe, courteous and harmonious manner with customers, Market

staff and with each other. Any language or behaviour that jeopardizes the normal operations of

the Market will be grounds for termination of the Vendor’s membership and space allocation.

Vendors may not use abusive, threatening, harassing or otherwise socially unacceptable

language with customers, staff, community representatives or other vendors during Market

operations. The Board of Directors and the Market Manager will determine termination of a

vendor’s participation in the Market based on such conduct. Complaints of unacceptable

behaviour should be brought to the Market Manager and/or the Board of Directors attention in

a written complaint.

Vendors should consider the comfort of other vendors and the public in their Market

operations. Aggressive selling techniques such as hawking, or calling attention to products in

a loud, repetitive public manner are not appropriate. Standing in the aisles while providing

samples to customers is not acceptable. Vendors should not publicly disparage other vendors,

products, or markets. All vendors need to respect each other’s vendor space and products

during Market hours and stay within the boundaries of this policy. A vendor who fails to abide

by Market regulations, common decorum or socially-acceptable behaviour may be excluded

from the Market at the discretion of the Market Manager and/or The Board of Directors.

22.Vendor Parking

No vehicles are permitted on Church Street between 8:30am and 1:15pm on Saturday Market

Days. All other vendors are asked to think of the Market’scustomers’ convenience and are encouraged to park their vehicles on the Municipal Wharf, behind the Mason Hall, or at the Legion parking lot, in all cases in marked off parking spots. Any parking tickets received by a vendor are the responsibility of that vendor.

23.Vendor Compliance

The Market Manager, his/her designee and/or the Board of Directors has the ultimate on-site

responsibility for ensuring compliance with all rules of the Market on behalf of the Annapolis

Royal Farmers & Traders Market. Any complaints or problems, must be submitted in written form and signed  by the complaintent and should be directed to the Market Manager and/or the Board of Directors in a timely manner. To help ensure public safety and a positive Market environment, and if a vendor does not abide by the rules of the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market, or comply with applicable federal, provincial or local regulations applicable to Market participation, or has any necessary permits and license’srevoked or denied; the Market Manager, his/her designee and/or the Board of Directors may take any action deemed appropriate, including barring the vendor from selling at the Market for that day and/or any future Market days. Full termination of the vendor’s participation in the Market will be reviewed and determined by the Board of Directors. Any customer complaints

received by the Market Manager will be shared with the Board of Directors and will be

forwarded to the vendor concerned, followed up on and kept on file. Ongoing complaints of

any kind may result in disciplinary action including termination from the Market.

24.Conflict Resolution

Any issues of conflict must be brought to the attention of Market Manager, or in their absence,

a designated Board member. All notices of complaints must be in written form.The Manager, or designate, has final authority on Market Day to resolve conflict and decide appropriate actions, including removal of vendor privileges for that day. The complaint and any resolutions/actions taken will be submitted in writing, signed by all parties involved and kept on file at the registered office of the society. The Manager has oneweek to come to an agreement with parties involved in conflict. If this cannot be accomplished, it will go to a committee of the board who will have a week to resolve conflict. If they are unable to secure a resolution acceptable to the parties involved, then those parties have the right to present their case, in writing and in person, to the Board of Directors. The Board will have one

week to convene a meeting and their decision is final and binding.

25.Vendor Suspension or Termination

If any vendor is found in violation of or continually disregards any of the requirements and

policies and procedures set out in this document, and/or as set out in the Bylaws of the Association, they will be immediately suspended from the market by the Market Manager and/or the Board of Directors. The vendor’s continued participation in the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market will be reviewed by the Board of Directors, and could result in full termination from the Market. The suspension of participation will continue until the review process is completed.

26. Permits and Licenses

All necessary permits and licenses must be obtained before the start of the season and

shared with the Market Manager at that time. Failure to do so, or if the necessary permits

and/or licenses are revoked by the licensing agency, will result in the vendor bring suspended

from the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market until all necessary permits and/or licenses

are granted. If the Market Manager is informed by the licensing agency that the necessary

permits and licenses will not be granted, the vendor’s participation will be terminated

immediately. Any vendor, upon being investigated or charged due to their business dealings

where it is connected to the products they sell at the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders

Market must report it forthwith and their contract to continue to sell at the Market will be

immediately suspended. The suspension will only be reinstated if/when it is determined that

the issue has been rectified through the Court or they have complied with any terms and

conditions imposed through the Court or any other governing body to the satisfaction of the

Board of Directors of the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market.


The primary focus of the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market is to provide a venue for

small-scale farmers, artisans and crafters, other producers, and traders to interact with

consumers and to ensure the comfort and convenience of its customers and vendors. To

enhance the diverse nature of the Market, busking is allowed free of charge; however, it is also

considered a privilege. An application is required and a successful review of the application by

the Vendor Selection Committee must be completed prior to performing. Additionally, a

confirmation from the Market Manager is required prior to 8:30am each Saturday Market day or

9:30am each Wednesday Market day. A busker must ask their neighboring vendors if they

mind their busking in that location and are required to respect the wishes of those vendors.

Note that a vendor may ask a busker to move away from their selling space at any time during

the market and it is expected that the busker will comply. Busking must not interfere in any way

with any vendor/customer interactions or block any part of a vendor’s designated space.

Buskers are not permitted to make sales or promote any products or services. Performers are

permitted to use a hat, case or similar container to collect money in return for their

performance but are not permitted to verbally ask the public for money. Any means of

electronic sound amplification is not permitted. Any inappropriate behaviour will result in

immediate expulsion by the Market Manager. Busking is only permitted on Church Street or in

the main parking lot with the accommodation of up to two (2) buskers or busking groups

allowed. The Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market is held on the Town of Annapolis

Royal property with any space within the perimeter of the Market included in this agreement.


Although the Annapolis Royal Farmers and Traders Market Association does carry liability

insurance, the Association does not assume any responsibility for loss or damage to the

vendor space area, product, vehicle and any other property of the Market vendor. The vendor

accepts any and all reasonable risks associated with participation in the Market and the use of

the Market vendor space, and will exercise sound loss prevention measures at all times. The

vendor shall not make claim or take any legal action against the Annapolis Royal Farmers &

Traders Market Association or its representatives for any loss, damage or injury caused to the

vendor, their agents and/or property, including vehicles. The Annapolis Royal Farmers and

Traders Market Association strongly recommends that each vendor obtain their own general

liability and product liability insurance.

29.Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market Schedule of Fees

Members please be advised that the prepaid pricing is contingent on payment of all fees by the first Saturday in June. Reminders will be sent out prior to that date. Unless special circumstances are previously discussed with the manager and approved by the Board of Directors, any fees not paid by that date will be invoiced at the weekly fee.

Note: Market fees are subject to change per each fiscal market year. Market fees include GST. Fees shown are for 2023


ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP  – Due by no later than first May Market Day      $50.00                                                        


MEMBER (If Seasonal Rate Paid In Full By First Market In June)              $19.00

MEMBER (WEEKLY)    Due by 9:00am of the Market Day                         $39.00

NON-MEMBER             Due by 9:00am of the Market Day                         $45.00

DOUBLE (PREPAID)    Due by no later than first June Market Day           $37.00

DOUBLE (WEEKLY)     Due by 9:00am of the Market Day                         $77.00



MEMBER              Due by no later than first June Market                          $15.00                                                                                            

NON-MEMBERS  Due by 9:00am of the Market Day                                  $25.00

DOUBLE STALL (MEMBER)  Due by no later than first June Market Day $25.00                                                              


ALL VENDORS    Due by 9:00am of the Market Day                                 $25.00


ALL VENDORS    Due on or before the market day                                   $58.00

Power  – Use of Power Receptacle

AT ALL MARKETS – ANY VENDORS USING POWER Per market day  $5.00                                                    


and Procedures

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